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Addams calls on peace activists to telegram President Wilson to express their support for a national referendum on the war. Addams and others - the Committee of Five - are sent by the Emergency Peace Federation to meet with Wilson at the White House…

The Emergency Peace Federation holds a mass meeting at the Raliegh Hotel. From there, members plan to visit Congress in protest against the declaration of war. The American Union Against Militarism also conducts a referendum nation-wide. At the same…

Wilson calls for a negotiated end to the war and speaks of the creation of an international institution to keep the peace. Germany accepts Wilson's terms, but Wilson says Kaiser Wilhelm's endorsement is "empty and insincere." (Quoted in Lynn, Jane…

After reading of Addams' illness and her treatments in a newspaper, President Wilson sends her flowers and wishes her a speedy recovery in a personal letter. The one dozen American Beauty Roses from the White House Conservatory are sent to the home…

The party meets to discuss a wide variety of subjects including actions neutral nations can take to shorten the war, military training, and foreign investments. The business sessions discuss the creation of a joint committee to study relations…

Upon her return to Chicago from convalescence in Colorado and California, Addams is contacted by President Wilson, former President Theodore Roosevelt, and a representative of Charles Evans Hughes, all of whom are seeking her endorsement for their…

In testimony before the United States House of Representative's Military Affairs Committee, Addams opposes steps toward military preparedness, especially an immediate increase in military spending, arguing that the United States does not face an…

With Lucia Ames Mead and Sophonisba Breckenridge, Addams give testimony before the United States House of Representative's Committee on Foreign Affairs on the plan for an international conference of neutral countries for the purpose of bringing an…

Constructive peace built for the purpose of embracing the world is the ultimate goal of the Women's Peace Party. By January 1916, some 20,000 people have joined the party. The annual conference attracts a crowd of 2,500 and raises $10,000. A program…
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An ally of Addams, Lilian Wald, and others associated with the settlement movement in Lower Manhattan, form what, in 1916, would become the American Union Against Militarism (AUAM), which opposes military preparedness by the United States and,…

Publicizing the slogan "Out of the Trenches by Christmas," the Peace Ship, the Oscar II, sets sail for Europe from New York. On board is industrialist and philanthropist Henry Ford, who funds the expedition, along with scores of peace activists.…

Wilson asks Congress to finance a number of new naval ships and aircraft carriers. The country begins a heated debate about American military preparedness. Addams and other peace activities mobilize against an increase in military spending and the…
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Addams meets with President Woodrow Wilson at his request to report on her experiences in Europe. She gives him a copy of the platform of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace. Wilson does not commit to calling an international…

Addams returns to the United States from Europe. Upon her arrival in New York City, she gives a speech about her experiences before an audience of thousands in Carnegie Hall. She makes several main points. First, in all the war capitals she…
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Addams leaves Europe and returns to the United States. Her highly-publicized activities in Europe over the past several months - specifically chairing the Women's Peace Summit and meeting with various foreign dignitaries, including presidents, prime…

In Bern, Switzerland, Addams and Jakobs meet with President Motta and Foreign Minister Hoffman. Motta tells Addams that now is not the time for neutral nations to meet and discuss a quick resolution to the war. He reassures her that Switzerland is…

Addams meets with Foreign Minister d'Avignon. He takes the delegation's mission seriously. Even though he expresses great feelings for peace, the minister tells the women that Belgium is in the hands of her allies and peace negotiations are up to…

Foreign Minister Theophile Delcasse and Prime Minister Rene Viviani meet with the Addams and Jacobs. Addams and Jacobs find France bitter and immovable, and they dread their meetings with French women suffragettes. French pacifists are deeply…

When the women arrive in Rome, Italy, a very patriotic picture greets them, because Italy has only days earlier declared war on Austria-Hungary and Germany. Much like the previous meetings, in Rome Addams and Jacobs present the Hague conference…

In Budapest, Addams holds a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Istvan Tisza. Addams also gives a public lecture.

Addams and Jacobs meet with Prime Minister Carl Stürgkh and Foreign Minister Stephan Burian. The prime minister dismisses Addam's self-deprecating comment about his meeting with a group of women to discuss their plan for a mediated end to the war. …

Addams and Jacobs, as well as members of their entourage, are introduced to a German military officer at their hotel in Berlin who criticizes the United States government for selling war munitions to Britain and France. They also meet with a group of…

Addams and Jacobs have separate meetings with British Prime Minister Herbert Asquith and Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey. Asquith and Lord Grey reject the proposal for mediation, telling the delegates that the war must continue.
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Addams and Jacobs meet with Prime Minister Cort van der Linden and Foreign Minister Loudon. Of the meeting with the Dutch officials, Addams writes in a letter to Mary Rozet Smith: "I have not lost my head. There is just one chance in 10 thousand….…

The Women's Peace Party (WPP) passes a platform at the Willard Hotel, in Washington, D.C. The program they adopt has eleven resolutions similar to those of the CEF, but the WPP goes a step further and calls on the world's citizens to take war…

In response to a proclamation by President Wilson, churches across the nation hold services to pray for peace. At a meeting hall in Chicago, Addams, along with the governor of Illinois and religious leaders, petition for peace. Police reserves are…

Addams despairs upon hearing the news that Europe is at war. She spots a German ocean liner anchored in Frenchman's Bay, Maine, not far from her summer cottage. She believes that the war will turn back the clock on social progress and take a toll on…
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Addams speaks before the Chicago Woman's Club about the police and the spike in the number of arrests the year before. Chicago sees close to 84,000 arrests in 1913 (comparatively, Chicago sees close to 50,000 arrests by mid December of 2016). Addams…

Addams speaks at a national suffrage convention at the Columbia Theatre in Washington. The women urge President Wilson to endorse women's suffrage. The New York Times reports that nearly one thousand women representing every state, Hawaii, and Alaska…
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Addams attends the Seventh Congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. The Women's Congress opens on the fifteenth of June at the Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary, with addresses from the Minister of Education and the Countess Iska…
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