Addams departs Europe on the Old St. Louis for the United States


Addams leaves Europe and returns to the United States. Her highly-publicized activities in Europe over the past several months - specifically chairing the Women's Peace Summit and meeting with various foreign dignitaries, including presidents, prime ministers, and foreign ministers - have won her widespread praise in the American peace movement.




Addams, Jane. “Women War and Suffrage.” The Survey XXXV.6 (1915): 148. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Web. 1 June 2017.

“Jane Addams back from her peace tour.” The Survey XXXIV.15 (1915): 327. Web. 1 June 2017.

"Jane Addams, back from the war capitals, reports." The
Survey XXXIV.16 (1915): 347. Web. 31 May 2017.

“Jane Addams Comes Home.” The New York Times: 6 Jul. 1915, vol. LXIV no. 20,982: 8. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 5 June 2017.

“Miss Addams Finds War Idea Supreme.” The New York Times: 24 Jun. 1915, vol. LXIV no. 20,970: 3. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 10 June 2017.

P. U. K. "The Welcoming of Jane Addams." The Survey XXXIV.16 (1915): 353-54. Web. 31 May 2017.

