Henry Ford's Peace Ship, the Oscar II, sets sail for Europe


Publicizing the slogan "Out of the Trenches by Christmas," the Peace Ship, the Oscar II, sets sail for Europe from New York. On board is industrialist and philanthropist Henry Ford, who funds the expedition, along with scores of peace activists. Ford's purpose is to garner publicity for an international peace conference to end the war in Europe. The mission is unsuccessful and Ford, who catches influenza on board, returns to the United States four days after the ship's arrival in Norway. Earlier that year, Ford and Addams are in conversation about the event and her participating in it. Sensing that the mission would be marred by internal squabbling among prominent peace activists and condemned in the press, Addams balks at Ford's invitation. As the date of the ship's departure approaches, Addams formally withdraws, siting illness, a development that others come to refer to as Addams' "diplomatic disease" (Joslin, 182).




Lattimore, Florence L. “Aboard the Oscar II.” The Survey XXXV.16 (1916): 457-60. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Web. 1 June 2017.
“The New Kind of Militant Peace Plans.” The Survey XXXV.10 (1915): 227-8. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Web. 1 June 2017.

