The Emergency Peace Federation demonstrates against the war, call on delegates to visit Congress


The Emergency Peace Federation holds a mass meeting at the Raliegh Hotel. From there, members plan to visit Congress in protest against the declaration of war. The American Union Against Militarism also conducts a referendum nation-wide. At the same time, many suffragists break with the Women's Suffrage Party when some of the party's executive members pledge the party's support for President Wilson's decision to declare war. These suffragists, much like Addams, are resolutely for peace. Addams suggests that the party has a right to pledge the support of members in the case of war. These women pacifists hold a mass meeting at the Stuyvesant High School auditorium.




“Pilgrims for Peace to Visit Congress.” The New York Times: 9 Feb. 1917, vol. LXVI no. 21,566: 11. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 10 June 2017.

