Addams meets with the Italian prime minister, foreign minister, and the pope


When the women arrive in Rome, Italy, a very patriotic picture greets them, because Italy has only days earlier declared war on Austria-Hungary and Germany. Much like the previous meetings, in Rome Addams and Jacobs present the Hague conference resolutions, including the idea for a conference of neutrals, to Prime Minister Salandra and Foreign Minister Sonino, who reject them. They are able to secure an audience with the pope where they then discuss peace options and mediation for half an hour. The pope suggests that the United States must take a prominent roll in the mediation efforts.




Addams, Jane. “Factors in Continuing the War.” Women at The Hague. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915. 124-41. Google Play Books. Web. 7 June 2017.

Addams, Jane. "The Food of War." The Independent LXXXIV (1915): 430-31. Google Play Books. Web. 31 May 2017.

Hamilton, Alice. “At the War Capitals.” The Survey XXXIV.19 (1915): 417-22. Web. 1 June 2017.

“Miss Addams Finds War Idea Supreme.” The New York Times: 24 Jun. 1915, vol. LXIV no. 20,970: 3. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 10 June 2017.

“Women Envoys Urge Neutrals to Meet.” The New York Times 16 Oct. 1915, vol. LXV no. 21,084: 3. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 8 June 2017.

