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Addams delivers a speech, “Pacifism and Patriotism in Time of War," in May, in Chicago, before the Chicago City Club, and again in Evanston (on June 10), at the First Congregational Church (1445 Hinman Avenue). She receives fierce criticism in the…

In the essay "Peace on Earth," published in the Christmas edition of The Ladies' Home Journal, Addams writes about international arbitration and a world court as well as the monetary costs for the up-keep of armaments. Addams also addresses social…

Addams despairs upon hearing the news that Europe is at war. She spots a German ocean liner anchored in Frenchman's Bay, Maine, not far from her summer cottage. She believes that the war will turn back the clock on social progress and take a toll on…

The United States Food Administration is established in August of 1917 for the purpose of relieving starvation in war-torn Europe. President Wilson appoints Herbert Hoover, the former head of the Belgian Relief Organization, to run the effort. (In…

At St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University, Addams addresses the importance of a strong association labor organizations to the creation of a new international order. In the speech, one in a series she will make against militarism, Addams tells…

Addams speaks at a national suffrage convention at the Columbia Theatre in Washington. The women urge President Wilson to endorse women's suffrage. The New York Times reports that nearly one thousand women representing every state, Hawaii, and Alaska…
jfsKED-out 22 Feb 1915.pdf

Addams speaks at a peace conference at the Hotel La Salle in Chicago. The international conference is free and open to the public. The purpose of the meeting is to adopt a plan for an early end of the war and find ways to promote it.

Addams speaks at a mass meeting at the Central YMCA regarding peace between the United States and Mexico. Resolutions attempting to bring peace between the two countries are passed. The resolutions ask for the suspension of military and naval…

At Recital Hall, on Michigan Avenue, in Chicago, Addams gives an address in which she is critical of the government's having rounded up and arrested, for the purpose of deportation, suspected radicals affiliated with socialist, anarchist, and other…
P3xN0h-out 5 Feb 1914.pdf

Addams speaks before the Chicago Woman's Club about the police and the spike in the number of arrests the year before. Chicago sees close to 84,000 arrests in 1913 (comparatively, Chicago sees close to 50,000 arrests by mid December of 2016). Addams…

With Lucia Ames Mead and Sophonisba Breckenridge, Addams give testimony before the United States House of Representative's Committee on Foreign Affairs on the plan for an international conference of neutral countries for the purpose of bringing an…

Upon her return to the United States Addams travels across the country to raise funds for famine relief in Germany. Her reception is not without controversy, however, as some accuse her of "Germanism" for her pacifist beliefs and activities on…
out 7 Oct 1918.pdf

Though Wilson and Addams found themselves on opposite sides of the war, and Addams had been vilified and was under government surveillance, Wilson expresses "peculiar gratification" for her continued political support. (Quoted in Linn, Jane Addams,…
7IMI3M-out 11 Jul 1919.pdf

Addams, Alice Hamilton, and a group of Quakers from the United States and England visit Germany and survey the efforts of the Society of Friends to relieve hunger. In Leipzig, they observed hungry and malnourished school children and speak with…

President Wilson asks Congress to finance a number of new naval ships and aircraft carriers. The country begins a heated debate about American military preparedness. Addams and other peace activities mobilize against an increase in military spending…

The speech is later published under the title "Patriotism and Pacifists in War Time” in The City Club Bulletin 10 (16 June 1917): 184-190. The negative response to Addams opposition to the war - and especially the United States blockading the…
surveycharityorg43survrich (dragged).pdf

Since the outbreak of the war in Europe, Addams has been at the forefront of the peace movement. From international conferences to meetings and essays, Addams has fine-tuned her ideas on internationalism. She promotes international leagues for…
Women_at_the_Hague (dragged).pdf

Addams arrives in London two days after the sinking of the Lusitania. She writes that one component of the continuation of the war is the way propaganda portrays certain events. As for the sinking of the Lusitania, she observes that London papers…
5 (3).jpg

"That in the event that said premises herein described shall be conveyed or leased by the grantees or any of the successors in title of the grantee to any person who is not a Caucasian…" (Source: Plat #13884000, Platbook 361, Page 11. Recorded:…
Addition to Evergreen Park Hills.jpg
Adlophus Busch.jpg

An aqua base of a bottle manufactured by the Adolphus G. Busch Manufacturing Company between 1908 and 1920, and an advertisement for the company from 1899, seven years after the company was incorporated.
PIN 16 Albany Park Theatre Project%2FEugene Field Fieldhouse.jpg

"No portion of said property shall ever be leased, rented, sold or conveyed to, or occupied by any person who is not of the Caucasian race, except in capacity of domestic servant employed by the owner of said property." (Source: Plat #14126112,…

"No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant." (Source: Plat…
Fine Arts Building (7th Floor) THEN.JPG

Interior Image of the Main Entrance to the Fine Arts Building Albert Roullier Art Rooms (7th Floor).
Souvenir Music from the 1893 World's Fair

CD album Cover for "Souvenir Music from the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893"
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