Addams' reaction to peace negotiations opening in Paris


Since the outbreak of the war in Europe, Addams has been at the forefront of the peace movement. From international conferences to meetings and essays, Addams has fine-tuned her ideas on internationalism. She promotes international leagues for arbitration as well as economic pressure in replace of militarism. For Addams, the association of labor is the new internationalism. Some of the points Addams supports are taken to the negotiation table in Paris by President Wilson. Unfortunately, Britain and France successfully keep many of these points out of the eventual treaty.




“Jane Addams Explains Plan of World League.” Chicago Daily Tribune (1872-1922): 15. Tribune Publishing Company. ProQuest. 15 June 2017.

“The League and the End of the War.” The New York Times: 23 Dec. 1918, vol. LXVIII no. 22,248: 10. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 10 June 2017.

