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Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian empire, and his wife Sophie Chotek, are assassinated by Serb nationalist, 19 year-old Gavrilo Princip, an agent of the Serbia-based hypernationalist group the Black Hand. A secret…

Austro-Hungarian forces bombard the Serbian capital Belgrade; Russia declares a mobilization on its border with Austria-Hungary.

Emperor Franz Joseph authorizes harsh terms against Serbia with the expectation that the Serbs will reject them, thereby clearing the way for war.

German armies advance toward Paris. Retreating Allied forces regroup and counterattack, striking a major blow to the German First and Second Armies. With one million soldiers engaged in the battle on both sides, the Germans order a controlled retreat…

Germany's ultimatum to Russia expires. The German ambassador in St. Petersburg is instructed to deliver declaration of war message to the Russian government. Kaiser Wilhelm decrees a gerneral mobilization of German military forces. German forces…

The German ambassador in Belgium delivers a letter to the Belgian foreign ministry, authorized by General Helmuth von Moltke, calling upon Belgium to either accept German occupation or face war. The Belgian Council of State, with King Albert…

Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm issues a "Danger of War" (Kriegsgefahr) declaration, once step short of a full mobilization of German military forces. Germany issues Russia an ultimatum - either demobilize or face war with Germany.

The German government extends Austria-Hungary a "blank check" in the event of war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. German and Austro-Hungarian statesmen recognize that war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia is inevitable, and that the war is…
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