First Battle of the Marne



German armies advance toward Paris. Retreating Allied forces regroup and counterattack, striking a major blow to the German First and Second Armies. With one million soldiers engaged in the battle on both sides, the Germans order a controlled retreat to the high ground opposite the Aisne River. German's quest for a quick victory on the Western Front is folied, and four years of trench warfare follow.




“Approximate Lines of Opposing Forces in France Before the Allies’ Advance Began.” The New York Times: 8 Sep. 1914, vol. LXIII no. 20,681: 1. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 21 Jul. 2017.

Perris, G. H. “Allies Press Forward.” The New York Times: 9 Sep. 1914, vol. LXIII no. 20,682: 2. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 20 Jul. 2017.

