Germany declares war on Russia



Germany's ultimatum to Russia expires. The German ambassador in St. Petersburg is instructed to deliver declaration of war message to the Russian government. Kaiser Wilhelm decrees a gerneral mobilization of German military forces. German forces enter Luxembourg, which is the initial phase of the invasion of Belgium and France. Later that day, France issues its own mobilization order. The majority of British Cabinet ministers, mostly from the Liberal Party, disapprove of Britain's possibly entering the war.




“Germany Declares War on Russia, First Shots are Fired; France is Mobilizing and may be Drawn in Tomorrow; Plans to Rescue the 100,000 Americans Now in Europe.” The New York Times: 2 Aug. 1914, vol. LXIII no. 20,644: 1. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 6 Jul. 2017.

“Germany's War Challenge Delivered to Russia at 7:30 Last Evening.” The New York Times: 2 Aug. 1914, vol. LXIII no. 20,644: 1. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 6 Jul. 2017.

“Russia Invades Germany; Germany Invades France, but Does Not Declare War; England’s Decision Today; Belgium Menaced, Luxembourg and Switzerland Invaded; German Marksmen Shoot Down a French Aeroplane.” The New York Times: 3 Aug. 1914, vol. LXIII no. 20,645: 1, 2. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 6 Jul. 2017. 

“Two Armies of Kaiser Enter France and Begin Hostilities.” The New York Times: 3 Aug. 1914, vol. LXIII no. 20,645: 1, 2. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 6 Jul. 2017. 
