Browse Items (1845 total)

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"It is an express condition of this plat, that the premises herein described shall not be conveyed or leased by the owners or any of the successors in title of the owners to any person who is not a Caucasian; that neither the premises herein…

"It is an express condition of this conveyance that the premises herein described shall not be conveyed or leased by the grantees or any of the successors in title of the grantees, to any person who is not a Caucasian; that neither the premises…

"Each lot in this subdivision is for all purposes perpetually restricted to the Caucasian race" (Source: Plat #9632457, Platbook 244, Page 8. Approved: April 11, 1927. Recorded: April 29, 1927. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"Each lot in this subdivision is for all purposes perpetually restricted to the Caucasian race" (Source: Plat #9335146, Platbook 230, Page 34. Approved: June 17, 1926. Recorded: July 10, 1926. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

This is an 1880's photo of 1741 W Wrightwood in the Lincoln Park Neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Note the wooden sidewalk, dirt road and lack of buildings surrounding the edifice.

"Said premises shall not be sold, leased or conveyed by the purchaser herein, his heirs, assigns or grantees or successors in title to any person who is not a Caucasian, and neither the premises herein described nor any improvements thereon shall be…

Lake Forest College Photo Collection-Lily Reid Holt Chapel-Cornerstone (1899)

"The Declaration of Independence refers to 'the Supreme judge of the world', and 'the protection of Divine Providence'. Lincoln, at Gettysburg, spoke of 'this nation, under God'. Even the preamble to the New York Constitution expresses gratitude 'to…

Lemp Beer Label

"It is no part of the business of government to compose official prayers for any group of the American people to recite as a part of a religious program carried on by government; though the Federal Constitution's First Amendment does not allow the…
Lea & Perrins 1911.png

After attempting to replicate an Indian recipe, John Wheeley Lea and William Perrins introduced their Worcestershire sauce around 1837. The sauce was sold internationally by 1870, allowing for American manufacture of the sauce. The…

Sheet music to "The Last Day of the Fair" by Frank Swain
Larsen's Resubdivision in H. R. Jacobsen and Co.'s Euclid Ave. Subdivision.jpg
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"No conveyance, contract or lease is to be made to or with any person not of the Caucasian Race." (Source: Plat #15383324, Platbook 402, Page 11. Recorded: July 9, 1952. Expired: January 1, 1970)Back to Restricted Chicago Homepage
Listerine Ad 1.jpg

First introduced to the market in 1895 and marketed exclusively to dentists, Listerine quickly became a household name and became one of the first medical products offered over the counter in 1914. These two ads from 1917 advocate…
Lake Street.jpg

This is a black and white image of a train car as it moves over the Lake Street Bridge in Chicago, 1924.

Cover image and part of sheet music for "La Seduccion (Enchantment)" by Henri Clique
La Grange Terrace-21.jpg
La Grange Terrace.jpg
La Grange Terrace-2.jpg

"No part of the real estate hereon described shall ever be conveyed or leased to any person who is not a Caucasian and shall never at any time be used or occupied by any person who is not a Caucasian." (Source: Plat #13882141, Platbook 361, Page 10.…

"No part of the real estate hereon described shall ever be conveyed or leased to any person who is not a Caucasian and shall never at any time be used or occupied by any person who is not a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #13754290, Platbook 358, Page 2.…

"No part of the real estate hereon described shall ever be conveyed or leased to any person who is not a Caucasian and shall never at any time be used or occupied by any person who is not a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #13754291, Platbook 358, Page 3.…

"No part of the real estate hereon described shall ever be conveyed or leased to any person who is not a Caucasian and shall never at any time be used or occupied by any person who is not a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #13743566, Platbook 358, Page 1.…

1980's- known as the oldest Latina drag bar, known to be open in 1981
06 L'Addio a Napoli.mp3

An MP3 recording of the song "L'Addio a Napoli" lasting 1 min. and 55 secs. long.
L T Piver 1876.png

Louis Toussaint Piver took over Michel Adam’s perfume company in 1813, renaming the company after himself ten years later. The company was the official purveyor to the court of Louis XVI and to many royal families of Europe and…
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