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"It is an express condition of this conveyance that the grantor herein may at its option…" (Plat #14410270, Platbook 372, Page 48. Recorded: September 28, 1948. Expired: January 1, 1980.)
Restricted Chicago
Goodman Spectrum.pdf
2Reliance 1 redo.jpg
Reja Dorada.pdf

Sheet music for "Reja Dorada. (The Golden Gate.) Polka"

Sheet music cover image for "Reja Dorada. (The Golden Gate.) Polka"
04 Reja Dorada (The Golden Gate Polka).mp3

An MP3 recording of the song "Reja Dorada" lasting 3 mins. and 8 secs. long.
Restricted Chicago


The Red Skelton Show is an American variety show that was a television staple for two decades, from 1951 to 1971. This written piece about the Pledge seeks to denote and understand what each word means. A transcript is as follows: When I was a small…

Photoplay cue music for silent films, "Reception Music," from Sam Fox Moving Picture Music Vol. 3 by J.S. Zamecnik

"No lot or lots in this subdivision or any interest therein may at any time hereafter be sold, conveyed, leased, or transferred by grantee or grantees or by any successor or successors in title of a grantee or grantees; either voluntarily or by…
Raised Building.jpg

An illustration of Briggs House (a hotel in Chicago) being raised, as the city planned to lift the buildings up by a few feet in order to install new foundations and municipal sewage systems

Top portion of front page of The Youth's Companion, Vol. 63, no. 27, July 3, 1890, using the Fourth of July holiday to advertise the magazine "School House Flag" campaign.
Ray photo.png

"Said premises shall not be sold, leased or conveyed by the purchaser herein, his heirs, assigns or grantees or successors in title to any person who is not a Caucasian, and neither the premises herein described nor any improvements thereon shall be…
9 (2).jpg

"Said premises shall not be sold, leased or conveyed by the purchaser herein, his heirs, assigns or grantees or successors in title to any person who is not a Caucasian, and neither the premises herein described nor any improvements thereon shall be…
R.J. Finitzo & Co's Central Subdivision.jpg
queens at queer circus-picture from pform zine.png

View of guests attending Queen of Finnie's Annual Masquerade Ball at the Trianon Ballroom, 6201 South Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.

View of guests attending Queen of Finnie's Annual Masquerade Ball at the Trianon Ballroom, 6201 South Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.

View of guests attending Queen of Finnie's Annual Masquerade Ball at the Trianon Ballroom, 6201 South Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community; 1958

View of guests attending Queen of Finnie's Annual Masquerade Ball at the Trianon Ballroom, 6201 South Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.

View of guests attending Queen of Finnie's Annual Masquerade Ball at the Trianon Ballroom, 6201 South Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.
PW Joyce.jpg

Photograph of traditional music collector, Patrick Weston Joyce

Punchinello experiences the power of the magic slipper, in this scene from "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht. The caption reads, "Oh most wonderful lady!"

Punchinello appears carrying his bag of wares, from a scene in The Wonder Hat, illustrated by Jaime Deare.
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