Prospect Heights Manor unit no.2


"It is an express condition of this conveyance that the premises herein described shall not be conveyed nor leased by the grantee or any of the successors in the title of the grantee, to any person who is not a Caucasian; that neither the premises described nor 'any improvements erected therein shall' be occupied by anyone who is not of a Caucasian and that in the event that the premises herein described shall be conveyed or leased by the grantee, or any of the successors intitled to the grantee, to any person who is not a Caucasian, or in the event that said premises or any improvements erected thereon shall at any time be occupied by a person who is not a Caucasian (except which such person be acting in the capacity of a servant for proper resident), this deed shall forthwith become null and void and the property herein described shall forthwith revert to the grantor."

(Source: Plat #13691417, Platbook 356, Page 30. Approved: October 3, 1945. Recorded: January 7, 1946. Expired: January 1, 1971.)
