Robert Bartlett's Homestead Development No. 9


"It is an express condition of this conveyance that no part of the real estate herein described shall ever be conveyed or leased to any person who is not a Caucasian and shall never at any time be used or occupied by any person who is not a Caucasian. If said real estate or any part thereof shall at any time be conveyed or leased to any person who is not a Caucasian or shall at any time be used or occupied by any person who is not a Caucasian then and in any such event all said real estate and all estate and interest therein shall forthwith revert to the grantor or his heirs who may thereafter re-enter upon and enjoy the same as before the making of this conveyance."

(Source: Plat #12517828, Platbook 334, Page 49. Approved: July 14, 1940. Recorded: July 20, 1940. Expired: January 1, 1965)
