Oriole Park



"The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed or leased to, or occupied by, any person who is not a Caucasian (except servants of the owner or tenant(, and in the event that the premises herein described shall be sold, conveyed or leased to, or occupied by any person who is not a Caucasian, this deed shall forthwith become null and void, and the property herein conveyed shall forthwith revert to the grantor, except that said condition of reverter shall not affect the validity of any mortgage that may hereafter be placed on any part or parts of the premises in the event of a breach thereof, it being the intention, hereof of said condition of reverter shall be and remain in force and effect excepting that any reverter resulting because of a breach thereof shall be subject to the prior rights of any mortgage and the indebtedness described in and secured thereby."

(Source: Plat #12693538, Platbook 339, Page 27. Approved: March 27, 1941. Recorded: June 3, 1941. Expired: January 1, 1967)
