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View of the Jewel Box Revue, a traveling drag review held at Robert's Show Lounge, 6622 South Park Way (now King Drive), Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.

View of the Jewel Box Revue, a traveling drag review held at Robert's Show Lounge, 6622 South Park Way (now King Drive), Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.

View of the Jewel Box Revue, a traveling drag review held at Robert's Show Lounge, 6622 South Park Way (now King Drive), Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.

View of the Jewel Box Revue, a traveling drag review held at Robert's Show Lounge, 6622 South Park Way (now King Drive), Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.

View of the Jewel Box Revue, a traveling drag review held at Robert's Show Lounge, 6622 South Park Way (now King Drive), Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.

View of the Jewel Box Revue, a traveling drag review held at Robert's Show Lounge, 6622 South Park Way (now King Drive), Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.
Drag in the Windy City

View of the Jewel Box Revue, a traveling drag review held at Robert's Show Lounge, 6622 South Park Way (now King Drive), Chicago. Guests in attendance included donor James C. Darby and members of Chicago's gay community.
Pform zine front page (91).png
Fast and Cheap.png

Fast & Cheap, 2018: (L to R) Liz Meyer, Jim Cubit, Joyce DeWitt, Cynthia Hahn, Don Meyer, Rand Smith
South Haitian Church of God14.JPG
Gabaon Baptist Church(2)14.JPG
Premiere Eglise Evangelique Baptiste Haitienne 7.JPG
Eglise Evangelique Bethel 16.JPG
Hemenway United Methodist Church.JPG
Assemblée Evangelique Haitienne7.JPG
North Side Church of God 4.JPG

Stead's If Christ Came to Chicago opened with a foldout juxtaposing an image of Christ and the money changers with this map of the block bounded by Clark, Dearborn, Harrison, and Polk Streets in Chicago's First Ward. The map both illustrated many of…

"Among the most popular Dill Pickle Club events were its frequent masquerade balls. These events appealed to a broad range of partygoers, allowing wealthy residents of the Gold Coast to mingle in relative anonymity with working people and artists.…

Map of the South Side Levee

Ad appearing in December 1863 Chicago Tribune for Kelly, Leon and Donniker's Minstrels

Advertisement for the Sunset Cafe in Bronzeville

Joan Jett Blakk ad for President. She replicates the pose of Huey Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party.

Photograph of 1970 Gay Alliance Rally to protest police harassment.

Photograph of 1970 Gay Alliance Rally to protest police harassment.

Screenshot of Arts Buildings, Letters Building and Science Building
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