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9 Harlequin is Invisible.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
8 A Wonder Hat to Make You Invisible.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
7 Charm Against Love.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
6 The Slipper Is Presented .mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
5  Margot chides Columbine for looking for Harlequin.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
4 A Charm To Attact Love..And Harlequin.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
3 Punchinello Sells His Wares.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
2 Harlequin and Pierrot first scene.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
1 The Wonder Hat%22 Screenshot (Beginning).png

Opening picture from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
%22we're not working for money we work for love!%22.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production ofThe Wonder Hat, 1952

The script for the short play, "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman

Sound recording of a 1952 radio drama of The Wonder Hat produced by The Goodman Memorial Theatre

This is a picture of the Goodman family tomb located in Graceland Cemetery in Chicago.
Hamlet with the Skull.jpg

A lithograph of Shakespeare's Hamlet talking to the skull
Broonzy 5.jpg

Sheet music for "The World's Fair, or, Chicago Dudes' March" by Adam Geibel
15 The World's Fair, or The Chicago Dudes' March.mp3

An MP3 recording of the song of "The World's Fair or The Chicago Dudes' March" lasting 2 mins. and 39 secs. long.

Cover image of sheet music for "The World's Fair, or, Chicago Dudes' March" by Adam Geibel
The Weavers 2.jpg

Crowd in front of a storefront with the sign Bank Real Estate during the race riots in Chicago, Illinois, 1919.

The cover page of Kenneth Sawyer Goodman's play "The Masque of Montezuma"

Chief O'Neill's Sketchy Recollections - Cover

An Gaodhal - Contents Page

inscription from FO'N to Julia Mooney in Irish Minstrels and Musicians

inscription from FO'N to Daniel Crowe (his future son-in-law)

FO'N inscription to his daughter Julia Mooney in Irish Folk Music
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