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21 Margot with Wonder Hat Screenshot (Ending).png

Still from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
20 Harlequin and Columbine in Curtain (Ending).png

Still from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
18 Margot asks the audience what to do.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
17 Pierrot asks Harlequin and Columbine to Return Their Hat and Slipper.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
16 Columbine learns Harlequin is there and invisible.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
15 Harlequin can't get hat off.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
14 Invisible Harlequin hits Pierrot.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
13 Pierrot Says He Loves Columbine.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952

The Bellamy salute is the salute described by Francis Bellamy (1855–1931) to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance, which he had authored. During the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance, it was sometimes known as the "flag…
Souvenir Music from the 1893 World's Fair

Cover image of sheet music for "The Song of the Ferris Wheel" by George Schleiffarth.
World's Fair Souvenir Music

Cover image of sheet music for "The Song of the Ferris Wheel" by George Schleiffarth.

A photographic representation of the statue "Monument with Standing Beast" by French artist Jean Dubuffet.

Mrs. Bertha Honoré Palmer, wife of Potter Palmer, a wealthy socialite in Chicago society at the turn of the 20th century.

Cover image of sheet music for "The Ferris Wheel Waltz and Polka," with lithographic image by Orcutt Co., Chicago.

Cover image of sheet music for "Santa Lucia," "Finiculi-Finicula," and "L’addio a Napoli" ("Adieu to Naples")

Sheet music cover image for "Reja Dorada. (The Golden Gate.) Polka"

Cover image for sheet music, "Chicago Day Waltz," by George Valisi
12 You Wonder Hat!.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
11 Columbine is followed by men in the park.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
10 Punchinello explains the plot.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
9 Harlequin is Invisible.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
8 A Wonder Hat to Make You Invisible.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
7 Charm Against Love.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
6 The Slipper Is Presented .mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
5  Margot chides Columbine for looking for Harlequin.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
4 A Charm To Attact Love..And Harlequin.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
3 Punchinello Sells His Wares.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
2 Harlequin and Pierrot first scene.mp4

Clip from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952
1 The Wonder Hat%22 Screenshot (Beginning).png

Opening picture from an illustrated digital video based on the Goodman Theatre's radio production of The Wonder Hat, 1952

Cover image and audio recording of "The Ferris Wheel March and Two Step, by Samuel Lapin. Cover image includes a photo by J.B. Quirk Cut Co. of decorated ferris wheels and an unattributed photo of Lapin
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