Browse Items (1845 total)

Appomattox Courthouse.jpg

Waterbury Button Company was established in 1812 during the United States’ war against the U.K. of the same year, producing stamped metal buttons for the armed forces. During the Civil War, both sides wore Waterbury buttons on their…

In 1860, William Carter traded his paper wholesale business for an ink-selling business; at the outbreak of the Civil War, Carter snagged the recipe for ink and glue from his supplier, allowing him to manufacture their own ink. In 1872,…

First produced in 1797, Keiller marmalade became one of the largest confectioners in the UK. The company first used the name James Keiller & Son in 1827, and the product grew worldwide by 1857. Keiller marmalade is still available…
Kilner Brothers 1869.png

Kilner Brothers Glass Company was established in 1857 after James Kilner & Sons split in two, following the death of James Kilner Sr. in the same year. Kilner Brothers produced medical, dispensing, drug, soda water, mineral water, and beer…
Johnson Bros 1922.png

Founded in 1882, Johnson Brothers was a leader in English earthenware production; in 1896, the company expanded to the U.S., which would become one of their largest markets (as exhibited in the 1922 advertisement from one of their…
Gordon's 1911.jpeg

Alexander Gordon built his gin distillery in London in 1769; Gordon & Company quickly spread throughout the British Empire (starting 1800), reaching the U.S. and Canada in 1902. The iconic square-faced bottle was introduced in 1904, and…
Theodore Haviland 1916.png

Theodore Haviland split from his family company, Haviland & Co., and formed his own china business in 1891. Haviland produced a wide range of china, even expanding into sculpture, advertising in 1916 animal sculptures made by Swiss…
Ed. Pinaud 1902.jpg

Edouard Pinaud opened his first perfume shop in 1839 in Paris, and the company first appeared in Parisian registered in 1841. The company grew swiftly and was the perfume supplier for Napoleon III and Queen Victoria of England by the…
L T Piver 1876.png

Louis Toussaint Piver took over Michel Adam’s perfume company in 1813, renaming the company after himself ten years later. The company was the official purveyor to the court of Louis XVI and to many royal families of Europe and…
Zeh Scherzer 1921.png

Founded in 1880, Zeh, Scherzer & Co. produced a wide range of products, including an exclusive series for Geo. Borgeldt & Co. (advertised in the 1921 image below). In 1949, they began using the name and backmark Scherzer & Co. or Scherzer…
Canton 1920.png

Canton porcelain refers to a wide range of Chinese export porcelain produced in the Chinese port of Canton (now known as Guangzhou). Generally, Canton porcelain refers to 18th-century to early 20th-century blue and white Chinese porcelains created…
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Now a national figure in her own right, Addams seconds the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt for president at the 1912 Bull Moose (Progressive) Party convention in Chicago. Roosevelt bolts from the Republican Party's nominating convention, also in…

As president of the Woman’s Peace Party, Addams leads the American delegation to the First International Congress of Women, in The Hague, Netherlands. Addams presides at the conference's opening session. Over the next several days, the delegates…
Pickard 1907.jpeg

Wilder Pickard established his china company in 1893 in Edgerton, Wisconsin; by 1900, the company had moved to Chicago. The company specialized in hand-painted china, as advertised in the 1907 image below. A piece of a porcelain plate…
D R Dyche 1904.png

David R. Dyche took over his deceased brother’s drug store in 1866; after the 1871 Fire, the store moved to the corner of State & Randolph (pictured below in 1904). After Dyche’s 1893 death, his heirs incorporated the company as D. R.…
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Addams' travels in Egypt are chronicled in the Atlantic Monthly. The essay serves as the foundation for The Long Road of Women's Memory, a literary work in which Addams reflects on the origins of myth and the female psyche. Addams completes the book…
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Addams attends the Seventh Congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. The Women's Congress opens on the fifteenth of June at the Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary, with addresses from the Minister of Education and the Countess Iska…

Addams speaks at a national suffrage convention at the Columbia Theatre in Washington. The women urge President Wilson to endorse women's suffrage. The New York Times reports that nearly one thousand women representing every state, Hawaii, and Alaska…
P3xN0h-out 5 Feb 1914.pdf

Addams speaks before the Chicago Woman's Club about the police and the spike in the number of arrests the year before. Chicago sees close to 84,000 arrests in 1913 (comparatively, Chicago sees close to 50,000 arrests by mid December of 2016). Addams…

Addams despairs upon hearing the news that Europe is at war. She spots a German ocean liner anchored in Frenchman's Bay, Maine, not far from her summer cottage. She believes that the war will turn back the clock on social progress and take a toll on…

In response to a proclamation by President Wilson, churches across the nation hold services to pray for peace. At a meeting hall in Chicago, Addams, along with the governor of Illinois and religious leaders, petition for peace. Police reserves are…

The Women's Peace Party (WPP) passes a platform at the Willard Hotel, in Washington, D.C. The program they adopt has eleven resolutions similar to those of the CEF, but the WPP goes a step further and calls on the world's citizens to take war…

Emil A. Dorner’s drug store first appears in Chicago records in 1895, located at 557 N. Clark Street; in 1902, Otto W. Tanke took over the store. A bottle from this business was found at the Charnley-Persky House in 2010.
Tanke 1911.jpeg

Otto W. Tanke took over Emil Dorner’s drug store at 557 N. Clark St. in 1902, just four years after passing the Board of Pharmacy. In the early 1900s, Tanke established the Lavox Company, manufacturing chemicals, drugs, and toilet…
Women_at_the_Hague (dragged).pdf

Addams and Jacobs meet with Prime Minister Cort van der Linden and Foreign Minister Loudon. Of the meeting with the Dutch officials, Addams writes in a letter to Mary Rozet Smith: "I have not lost my head. There is just one chance in 10 thousand….…
Ensemble-Made Chicago

Addams and Jacobs have separate meetings with British Prime Minister Herbert Asquith and Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey. Asquith and Lord Grey reject the proposal for mediation, telling the delegates that the war must continue.

Addams and Jacobs, as well as members of their entourage, are introduced to a German military officer at their hotel in Berlin who criticizes the United States government for selling war munitions to Britain and France. They also meet with a group of…

Addams and Jacobs meet with Prime Minister Carl Stürgkh and Foreign Minister Stephan Burian. The prime minister dismisses Addam's self-deprecating comment about his meeting with a group of women to discuss their plan for a mediated end to the war. …

In Budapest, Addams holds a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Istvan Tisza. Addams also gives a public lecture.
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