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3 Hurry (For Struggles).mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Hurry (for Struggles)"
7 Moving Picture Medley Lively.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Moving Picture Medley: Lively"
8 Oriental Music.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Oriental Music"
9 Mexican or Spanish Music.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Mexican or Spanish Music"
10 Detective Scene (In Search of a Clue).mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Detective Scene (In Search of a Clue)"
11 Reception Music.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Reception Music"

Photoplay cue for silent movie music, from the compilation Sam Fox Moving Picture Music, Vol. 1

Photoplay music for "Oriental" scenes by J.S. Zamecnik (Sam Fox Moving Picture Music Vol. 1, 1913).

Photoplay cue for "Mexican or Spanish" silent movie music, from the compilation Sam Fox Moving Picture Music, Vol. 1

Photoplay cue music for silent films, "Detective Scene," from Sam Fox Moving Picture Music Vol. 3 by J.S. Zamecnik

Photoplay cue music for silent films, "Reception Music," from Sam Fox Moving Picture Music Vol. 3 by J.S. Zamecnik

Exterior view of the the northeast corner of Clark Street and Ontario Street, Chicago, Illinois, October 1952. Formerly the Clarendon Hotel.
Joint Resolution of 1954.jpg

The 1954 amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance sees the full addition of "Under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance.

The addition of "Under God" represents more than just a success by the Hearst Campaign. It is a point in history where a major…

Sociologist, suffragette, social worker, philosopher, and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jane Addams, c. 1924

"'Even if Holloman has a First Amendment right to hold his fist in the air during the recitation of the Pledge in class, such a right was not "clearly established.'"

"Holloman's complaint alleges: (1) that plaintiff, while a student, was forced by…

"It may be useful to note our belief that most citizens of the United States willingly recite the Pledge of Allegiance and proudly sing the national anthem. But the rights embodied in the Constitution, most particularly in the First Amendment,…

From the case: "Petitioner school district requires each elementary school class to recite daily the Pledge of Allegiance. Respondent Newdow’s daughter participates in this exercise. Newdow, an atheist, filed suit alleging that, because the Pledge…

"Patriotism is an effort by the state to promote its own survival, and along the way to teach those virtues that justify its survival. Public schools help to transmit those virtues and values. Separation of church from state does not imply separation…

Source: "Any alleged religious overtones to those activities are not grounds for refusing to teach them. See Smith v. Denny, 280 F. Supp. 651 (E.D.Cal.1968)." From the case…

"As for the pledge: I believe it is untrue ('Liberty and justice for all') and I refuse to swear to a lie."

"Three students refused to say and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance because of a belief that the words "with liberty and justice for…

"The salute of the flag is a gesture of love and respect ­­ fine when there is real love and respect back of the gesture. The flag is dishonored by a salute by a child in reluctant and terrified obedience to a command of secular authority which…

"The Declaration of Independence refers to 'the Supreme judge of the world', and 'the protection of Divine Providence'. Lincoln, at Gettysburg, spoke of 'this nation, under God'. Even the preamble to the New York Constitution expresses gratitude 'to…

"There is no doubt that, in connection with the pledges, the flag salute is a form of utterance. Symbolism is a primitive but effective way of communicating ideas. The use of an emblem or flag to symbolize some system, idea, institution, or…

"The requirement of participation by pupils in public schools in the ceremony of saluting the national flag does not, in the case of a pupil who refuses participation upon sincere religious grounds, infringe, without due process of law, the liberty…

"Freedom of conscience and of worship is the cornerstone of the foundation of our nation. There is no 'official' church in this country; indeed, it is indisputable that many of our forebears [**10] came to America to escape the established church and…

"It is no part of the business of government to compose official prayers for any group of the American people to recite as a part of a religious program carried on by government; though the Federal Constitution's First Amendment does not allow the…

"There is no suggestion here that the government's power to coerce has been used to further the interests of Christianity or Judaism in any way. No one was compelled to observe or participate in any religious ceremony or activity. Neither the city…

"There can be no doubt but that the flag is symbolic speech and by its very nature is communicative of ideas, goals and beliefs. Within the ambit of freedom of speech protected by the first amendment compulsory speech or expression of belief is just…

"The Crofts focus on the addition of the word "pray" [**30] without examining the other changes. But the amendments were introduced as a package to change the start of every school day to include the pledges of allegiance and a more comprehensive…
Yacht Club Salad Dressing Ad.jpg

An advertisement for the Tildesley Company's Yacht Club Salad Dressing and a piece of one of their bottles found at the Charnley-Persky House.
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