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Cover image for sheet music to "The Last Day of the Fair" by Frank Swain

Sheet music to "The Last Day of the Fair" by Frank Swain
12 Waltz of the Flowers.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers"
Brush & Pencil COVER.pdf

The January 1907 Cover Page of the Brush and Pencil: An Illustrated Magazine of the Arts To-Day (Vol. XIX No. 1)
Polio Ad.jpg

Titled, "Join the Parade: We had Polio Vaccine, get Your Polio Shots now.", the illustrated poster encourages polio vaccination among infants and children especially.

The cover page of a playbill from the The Players' Workshop production of 3 One-Act plays including Goodman and Hecht's "An Idyll of Shops."

The inside cover of the Players' Workshop Playbill featuring the production cast list of Goodman and Hecht's "An Idyll of Shops."

This is a list of the active members within the Players' Workshop theatre group. Many familiar names of the Chicago theatre scene appear including Kenneth Goodman.

An image of the poster announcing the different productions by the Washington Square Players held at the Comedy Theatre, NY. This includes the credits of the Washington Square Players version of "The Hero of Santa Maria."

The Official Programme for the original Columbus Day, as published in the Youth's Companion periodical on September 8, 1892, intended for celebration on October 21, 1892.

The full-page view of the Youth's Companion's program for the "Official School Celebration of Columbus Day," published September 8, 1892, and scheduled for October 21, 1892.

Top portion of front page of The Youth's Companion, Vol. 63, no. 27, July 3, 1890, using the Fourth of July holiday to advertise the magazine "School House Flag" campaign.
FO'N Dillon.jpg

song/poem written by Thomas J. Dillon about Francis O'Neill

Cover image of sheet music for "The Streets of Cairo, or, The Poor Little Country Maid," by James Thornton. James Thornton was an Irish-born comedian and songwriter who achieved moderate success on the vaudeville stage around the turn of the…
01 Streets of Cairo.mp3

An MP3 recording of the song "Streets of Cairo" lasting 2 min. and 46 secs. long.
Streets of Cairo Or, The Poor Little Country Maid .pdf

Sheet music for "The Streets of Cairo, or, The Poor Little Country Maid," by James Thornton
steve goodman 4.jpg

Unemployed men queued outside a depression soup kitchen opened in Chicago by Al Capone and the storefront sign reads "Free Soup Coffee & Doughnuts for the Unemployed."
1954 Public Law.pdf

The 1954 amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance, as signed into law by President Eisenhower in Joint Resolution 243, brings the full addition of "under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance and heralds the era of issues between religion and state.
1960 - Copyright restriction of PofA removed.pdf

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the musical composition "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag", covered by copyright EU399400, granted to Irving Caesar on June 3, 1955.... is…
1985 - Law Day.pdf

President Reagan's proclamation of this date as Loyalty Day takes inspiration from the Pledge of Allegiance.
2002 Oct 17th Cong Record - Extensions and Remarks.pdf

Hon. Steve Israel rises in the House of Representatives to speak in strong support of the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.

"The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States originated on Columbus Day, 1893. It contained no…

"The resolution consists of one section. Subsection (a) of Section 1 directs the Architect of the Capitol to engrave the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the national motto in the Capitol Visitor Center pursuant to an engraving plan.

A portrait of William Shakespeare
Edwin assassination attempt image 2 .JPG

Mark Gray shooting at the actor Ewin Booth for modifying Shakespeare's text
Academy of Music juxtapose.jpg

A historical photograph of the Academy of Music Halsted Street near Madison Street

A historical representation of Columbia Theatre
Grand Opera House 3.jpg

A photograph of the historic Grand Opera House after its reconstruction on 1880
Radio 1.jpg

Milnor Electric company advertisement including advertisement for the Crosley company's radio station, WLW
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