Browse Items (1845 total)

Dance Music of Ireland Plate.jpg

Plate used to imprint name on the cover of the book

inscription from FO'N to Daniel Crowe (his future son-in-law)

"No lot or lots in this subdivision may at any time hereafter be sold, conveyed or leased by a grantee or grantees or by any successor or successors in title of a grantee or grantees to any person who is not a Caucasian. No lot or lots in this…
Death in Chicago (40).html
Death in Chicago8-31.1.html
Death In Chicago Game.html
Death In Chicago Game-CHM.html

HTML file for the Death in Chicago game
Death in Chicago

Wilson asks Congress to finance a number of new naval ships and aircraft carriers. The country begins a heated debate about American military preparedness. Addams and other peace activities mobilize against an increase in military spending and the…
Deer Park-15.jpg

"No lot herein described shall be conveyed or leased to any person who is not Caucasian or shall any improvement hereafter erected by occupied by any one person who is not a Caucasian."(Source: Plat #13812466, Platbook 359, Page 48&49. Recorded:…
Deer Park.jpg
Deer Park-9.jpg
DM The Shaskeen Reel.mp3
DM & F The Kildare Fancy.mp3
DM & F Sergt. Early's Jig.mp3
DM & F The Mooncoin Reel.mp3

Photoplay cue music for silent films, "Detective Scene," from Sam Fox Moving Picture Music Vol. 3 by J.S. Zamecnik
3 (3).jpg

"The said premises shall be used by white people only, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race employed by owner or tenant."(Source: Plat #12324973, Platbook 329, Pages 2&3. Approved: May 31,…
Dickson-Ferguson Addition to Evanston.jpg

Video by Karen Larson

Music by Emily Hilgenberg

A speakeasy, little bohemia that attracted "free-thinking" people and was the site of a lot of prostitution and female impersonation

"Among the most popular Dill Pickle Club events were its frequent masquerade balls. These events appealed to a broad range of partygoers, allowing wealthy residents of the Gold Coast to mingle in relative anonymity with working people and artists.…
17 (4).jpg

"No part of the real estate hereon described shall ever be conveyed or leased to any person who is not a Caucasian…"(Source: Plat #14310191, Platbook 370, Page 44. Recorded: May 10, 1948. Expired: January 1, 1975)Back to Restricted Chicago Homepage
Dineff's Forest View.jpg
columbus memorial.jpg

The Dinet & Delfosse drugstore appears in directories as early as 1891, just three years after its founders, Joseph Delfosse and Henry Dinet, graduated from the University of Illinois. The store spent much of its life in the Columbus Memorial…

Poster for the Chicago Department of Health, showing a flying disc "Toxoid" preventing a lightning bolt from striking a child. The poster reads: "Diphtheria strikes unprotected children / Protect your child with toxoid--Toxoid prevents diptheria :…
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